These days every blog seems to need a podcast, so, here’s the Ken on Food podcast!
A few weeks ago I put out a call for people with stories to tell, however big or small. That call is still valid too, but a few things have happened since.
First off, as part of the show (in the real world I’m living in a radio station), I’ve introduced a new Ken On Food segment on Wednesday afternoons.
For 12 weeks (with two already in the bag), and with thanks to the folks at Anocht Restaurant in Kilkenny, I’ll be chatting to food producers in and around Kilkenny.
Take a listen
So, there’s two rounds already in the bag.
Julie Calder-Potts of Highbank Orchards was the first in the series, which will run weekly on Wednesdays until September.
Julie was followed by Michael Kenna, a third-generation butcher from Kenna’s Family Butcher in the heart of Kilkenny city.
What’s coming up?
Well, over the 12 weeks, I chat to 12 producers from around Kilkenny city and county.
On top of that, through the show and the station, I’ll be working with the Savour Kilkenny Food Festival on their new food provenance award.
That brings together another 12 restaurants and eateries the length breadth of the county and I’m really looking forward to getting stuck in.
The first of those chats will be happening before the end of July and continue right through the middle of October.
While there’s plenty of dates in the diary, there’s always room for more.
Whether it’s a restaurant, book, event, new product, your blog, or anything else you’d like to chat about – get in touch.
The worst thing you can do is say hello and the easiest way to do that is email me –
Subscribe to the Ken on Food Podcast

If you’re already a subscriber to the original feed from about 2 years back (I wouldn’t blame you if it’s been removed), your feed should update to the new episodes in the next 24 hours or so.

You can also
- Subscribe via Spotify
- Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
- Subscribe via Stitcher
I’ll have more links shortly as the other services come online.
Hint: If you’re not seeing the new “lemon” artwork, or the interviews with Julie and Michael, your feed has yet to refresh.