Fáilte Ireland and other key industry bodies have published their guidelines for the tourism industry to ensure the safe re-opening of tourism businesses in Ireland on 29 June.
Alongside restaurants & cafés, these also include guidelines (links at the bottom) for hotels & guesthouses, self-catering, caravan & camping, visitor attractions, activity providers, B&Bs and historic houses.
While a lot of restaurants and cafés around the country have transitioned to takeaway and delivery services, there’s a lot more that are waiting and, I’m sure, would much prefer to have their doors open and people eating and drinking. There’s also more who would like the rules around social distancing to be relaxed from 2m to 1m, today’s guides being based on the 2m current restriction.
Ireland’s rate of re-opening the economy accelerated last weekend when the fifth phase of re-opening was scrapped (10 August) and elements of phases three and four brought forward.
From a food and drink point of view, we’ll see restaurants and cafés open their doors on 29 June with bars allowed to operate from the same date provided a full food service is provided.

The Guidelines
“We have worked closely with key industry groups to develop these detailed operational guidelines that will equip tourism and hospitality businesses with the necessary information and advice to enable them to re-open safely.”
“These sector-specific guidelines offer detailed advice on the systems that should be implemented to help instil public confidence and reboot business while adhering to public health advice and Government protocols.”
“The guidelines provide comprehensive advice on re-opening for business owners, with an emphasis placed on the safety and well-being of employers, employees and customers. “
Download & Read
While the reports are aimed at people operating within various tourism sectors, the reports are worth reading yourself so you can get an idea as to what may await when you go back to your favourite haunts.
From table service to changes at the carvery, how you enter and exit a restaurant, interacting with staff and much more, there are a lot of potential changes on the horizon.
The links below are hosted on Fáilte Ireland Covid-19 support hub, all in PDF format.
- Guidelines for re-opening for all sectors
- Guidelines for re-opening hotels and guesthouses
- Guidelines for re-opening B&Bs and historic houses
- Guidelines for re-opening self catering
- Guidelines for re-opening restaurants and cafes
- Guidelines for re-opening caravan and camping parks
- Guidelines for re-opening visitor attractions
- Guidelines for re-opening activity providers
See also
Separately, the RAI have released details of a booklet published by Compton Solicitors on reopening your business including payments, honouring vouchers, legal issues around charges and insurance, street furniture, planning and more.
Download the guide here (PDF)